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VT4 using Drupal

January 8, 2010

Flemish commercial television channel VT4 is using Drupal on VT4 is part of ProSiebenSat.1 Media, the second-largest broadcasting group in Europe. Cool!

Eén using Drupal

October 23, 2009

Eén (Dutch for 'one'), a public TV station reaching millions of people in Belgium, redesigned its website using Drupal: see

CNN using Drupal

October 9, 2009

Cable news network CNN just released into beta, fully developed with Drupal. CNNgo
is a guide to six of Asia's greatest cities. What is interesting about the site is that they are looking to complement their professional editors with local bloggers, opinion makers, and the very people that form the soul of these cities.

Australian Broadcasting Corporation using Drupal

July 10, 2009

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) started using Drupal for a number of properties like ABC Digital Music, ABC Country and ABC Jazz.

The ABC is Australia's national broadcaster, a public owned enterprise funded by the Australian government that has been around for 80 years.

Radio Netherlands Worldwide using Drupal

June 24, 2009

Radio Netherlands Worldwide (Radio Nederland Wereldomroep in Dutch or RNW for short) is a public radio and television network based in The Netherlands. Radio Netherlands Worldwide is a very old international public broadcaster, with regular transmissions that began in 1927 to the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia.